Monday, February 16, 2009

Natural Beauty of Nature

I agree with John in that is really hard to think about one specific magical moment that I have had with nature, because there are so many. However, the most recent magical and thrilling experiences I had, occurred over this past Christmas break. I was in the tiny island of Mauritius for two weeks, and, simply put, it was amazing. I have two top highlights from this trip (I say top because there were many highlights!), so I will share both, because I cannot choose between the two. The first is when I got to do what is called an "Underwater Walk", where you wear a breathing apparatus that looks like a big glass helmet on your head, and you are dropped into the sea and you actually get to walk around. I got to interact with the beautiful different varieties of fish in their own environment, which was just absolutely unbelievable. I got to walk between a school Zebrafish as well as touch a live octopus, experiences I will never forget!

Another fantastic and magical moment that I got to experience with the non-human world while in Mauritius was at a wildlife sanctuary. On this occasion, I got to interact with the Queen of the jungle herself, an incredibly beautiful lioness. This was such a thrilling experience, it is just hard to describe. Its one of things where you just have to do in order to really understand just how amazing it is to be in such close proximity to those magnificent animals. Another moment I will cherish forever!

But, you do not need to travel half way across the world to observe and experience a magical moment with nature. It might be hard to see it, living in the urban jungle that we do, but it is still there, and it is our job to ensure that it continues to exist. There are so many reasons for why we would want to do so. For one, it serves as a reminder for where we have evolved from, and destroying it would result in a loss of our very connection that we have with this planet that we reside on. Secondly, there is a reason everyone likes to get away from the big cities so often and that is because nature soothes us and cures us of our stress and other illnesses we tend to accumulate while living in the polluted cities. Lastly, although these are by no means the only reasons we should save nature, the very beauty of it should be enough incentive to save it.

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