Monday, February 23, 2009

Environment: 1, Economy: 70,000,000,000

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Bill could be a step in the right direction for America. Yet, it is important to realize that, at best, it is a small step. It allocates a large sum of money to “greening” the economy: by making our energy usage more efficient, by improving mass-transit systems, and by increasing the amount of alternative energy we use. It sets aside funds to improve energy infrastructure, and to further research global warming and technologies to deal with it.

However, it has many downsides. Money is granted to NASA for further space exploration, which, though intellectually stimulating holds neither promise nor chance to solve our current environmetal crises. Almost 30 billion will go into the improvement of our highways and bridges, so that our cars can continue to pollute the enivronment. Another 2 billion will go into airports and airplanes, ensuring that we will be able to release those harmful greenhouse gases high in the atmosphere.

As Doug stated, 5% of the Bill will support environmental measures. That is simply not enough. The Introduction of the Bill states, “Our short term task is to try to prevent the loss of millions of jobs and get our economy moving. The long term task is to make the needed investments that restore the ability of average middle income families to increase their income and build a decent future for their children.” Nothing about the environment is mentioned. Instead, it is imperative that we work to increase our affluence even more. This Bill, at best, nods to the need to address environmental issues. However, as long as the environment remains on the fringes of our policies, we have no chance of effecting any meaningful change.

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