Monday, February 16, 2009

My Color Green

What's the most thrilling/magical/enchanting engagement you've had with the non-human world?

I am conflicted about the most enchanting experience I've had with nature. It is the most vivid memory in the entirety of my experience; almost too vivid for me to think it's real. I think and dream about it nearly every day (or night as it may be). I also have no context in which to place it. That said, it has a kind of grip on me that won't let me write it off as the work of a fanciful imagination.

The memory is always the same. The same duration. The same smell of moisture laden air blanketing my body. I awake, my eyes remain closed. A sense of completion, satisfaction and unity unparalleled by any other experience courses through my veins. I am intensely conscious of every slow breath. In. Out. I move ever so slightly and my eyelids part, early morning rays spill in the widening crack. My pupils adjust to see a dazzling forest. I stare straight up at the most intensely lit green forest canopy overhead. This green has become my mind's definition of the word green. A soft wind stirs the dew-soaked bed of leafs I lie upon. One of the leafs twirls in the eddying wind and soars up and over my face, blocking the sun's streams of light, illuminating the leaf's vasculature. It ends right there. Everytime, the same place. The same length.

This experience has instilled in me a profound love of nature. It is perhaps my favorite of all my memories.

And part II, is "saving nature" something we should concern ourselves with? Why, or why not?

Saving nature is an important issue because so much of the human experience is based around nature. If future man is to understand his past, he must know nature, and the only way to know nature is to experience it personally. Appreciation of the beauty and magnificence of nature is a uniting force. Like music - it breaches barriers between people.

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