Monday, March 2, 2009

Technology: a means to an end...or a beginning

I agree with John, in that technology is merely a tool and it is up to humans to use it in way that will save us or lead to our own destruction.

there is no doubt that technology has assisted us in many aspects of our every day lives, and that without it, we would be very lost. In order just to write this blog I need my laptop, the Internet, music on my itunes, electricity, etc. Of course, one can argue that we do not necessarily "need" technology in our lives, but it would surely be hard to revert to not using gadgets we are so accustomed to using.

However, the technology being used to make the various gadgets we utilise on a daily basis, and the usage of those very gadgets themselves can sometimes lead to environmental damage. So, while it provides us with benefits now, many of these gadgets might result in very harmful affects in the future and we are in a battle between short-term gain versus long-term pain. The stratospheric ozone depletion is just one example of how we found short-term benefits from using certain products without realising the long-term harm that those products were going to cause us.

Fortunately, our knowledge has increased about the effects we are having on the environment, and we have come up with ways to combat those effects. Some of those ways to combat the negative effects have been through technology. Technological innovations such as hybrid cars and solar and wind power are just some of the ways that we poured our creative juices into developing. In addition, with the economic crisis in hand, green energy is one area where a lot of attention is going into. While the incentives behind it might not be the right ones, it is still reassuring to see that efforts are going to develop it.

Hence, I reiterate the point that John made: technology is a tool and it is up to us to use it for our long-term benefit or for our own eventual death. I have faith in human capabilities to create things that will be beneficial in all regards, both in the short- and long-run. However, attention needs to be given right now and focus must be made right now towards those areas, towards creating greener technology. If not, it might be a tad too late to save our planet. As the stratospheric ozone depletion case showed us, it is possible to remedy a wrong that we commit, as long as we take effective action immediately. It will take international commit and a large enforcement of changes, but it is quite possible to realise in the end.

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